
You've found a space that's all about ​honoring who you were created to be and living it to the fullest.

God's little flowers

"The brilliance of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not lessen the perfume of the violet or the sweet simplicity of the daisy. I understood that if all the lowly flowers wished to be roses, nature would lose its springtide beauty."
— Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

Gemma is discouraged because all her friends seem to have more impressive talents than she does, and she can't figure out what makes her special. To cheer Gemma up (and maybe help her discover her gift), her mom takes Gemma and her sisters to the botanical gardens. The marvelous flowers — all so different but all so wonderful — help Gemma to see that God gave each of us our own special gifts, which he wants us to share with others. Sometimes those gifts can be hard to see, and it can take someone who loves us to show us the value of our joy, kindness, and generosity.

Beautifully illustrated with an uplifting message, God's Little Flowers is a wonderful way to show young girls that they are each bestowed with particular gifts from being made in the image and likeness of God. Through this book, every girl may come to rejoice in the glorious reality of God's unending love for her.

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I'm Lindsay.

I firmly believe that every one of us is a unique creation, full of dignity, worthy of love, and called to serve. But too many of the forces in our culture suggest that our value comes from what we accomplish, that we ourselves are not enough, and that we are responsible only to ourselves. Through my vocation as a wife and mother and my calling as a writer, editor, and speaker, I hope to counter this destructive mentality and offer a life-giving alternative. 

I'm the (co)-author of two books for adults and one for children. I also contribute writing to Word on Fire, Verily, CatholicMom.com, WINE, Our Sunday Visitor Magazine (I write the "Saintly Habits" column), and elsewhere. I serve as editor in various capacities at Verily, Into the Deep, and The Colosseum. 

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seen and heard on

seen and heard on

Fr. A. Richard carton,
Former pastor, 
st. Vincent de paul Parish,
stirling, NJ

In a culture where Catholics can be tempted to believe that it is a case of either, or—either I can be a person of mature faith or I can simply go after the good things of this world—Lindsay Schlegel does not only share how both are attainable, but speaks from her own experiences of balancing her life in Christ with the call to marriage, motherhood and discipleship. Listening to Lindsay is encouraging, practical, and edifying.

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I've had the pleasure of hearing Lindsay speak a number of times on various topics, and not only does she speak the truth in love and have some excellent insights, but she has the ability to connect with her audience because she speaks from the heart. A wonderful woman who lives out her faith with her husband and children in the day-to-day grind which is family life. In the midst of the craziness that family life brings, she models beautifully the gift of joy, which emanates from a life centered on Christ.

Allan F. Wright,
author, theologian, speaker,
and adjunct professor at
Seton Hall University 

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During Lindsay's talk, I could relate to so many of her stories and struggles (many with mutual laughter!) on her journey of being a mother and a daughter of God. I left with a new found energy, realizing we, as mothers, are not alone as we nurture the Catholic faith in our children and ourselves. Lindsay was funny, engaging, and very relatable. I am so glad I attended her talk and thankful to have her book to strengthen me as a mother and a woman!

Beth DiDomenico,
spirituality committee,
Saint James SChool,
basking Ridge, NJ

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Shannon civetta,
coordinator of family catechesis,
church of saint James,
basking Ridge, NJ

Lindsay was a wonderful speaker for our Family Catechesis parents. Her message was relatable, humorous and down to earth, just what we need in faith formation these days.

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Mary Hom, 
St. John the Apostle Church, 
 Linden, NJ

Lindsay spoke at our Advent Women’s Breakfast. She made herself very available and was easy to communicate with about the details of our event. This was very impressive being she was nearly due with her fourth child! Her presentation was extremely knowledgeable about the topic we asked her to present. She is an original thinker and has many insights about the teachings of the Catholic Church. Her message was uplifting and affirming, yet gently challenging us to live fully in our walk with Our Lord!  

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bring me to your next event

There's no substitute for the shared experience of a conversation or presentation. Whether it's live with a group of hundreds or an intimate cross-country video conference, I am always grateful for the opportunity to connect with other women in real time.

For parents, I speak on "Being the Change You Wish to See in Your Home," and for women, I speak on "Having It 'All' as an Authentic Catholic Woman." 

I'm also happy to tailor a presentation to your group's needs. 

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I really appreciate your spending some time on these pages. Please use this form to say hi, give feedback on my written work, suggest a podcast guest, or bring me to your group as a speaker (live or virtually!). 

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