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Young married mom

what i learned while writing a novel



Faith, Modern Perspectives, Young Married Mom

January 13, 2014

Rome Sweet Home—A Giveaway!

This year, my home parish offered everyone a little gift at Christmastime—one that we were not to keep for ourselves, and one that, this week, I’m extending to you.


In light of the call to a New Evangelization, our church set out a ton of copies of a fantastic book about a Protestant couple’s conversion to Catholicism. We were to take a copy and offer it to someone who was Catholic but not currently practicing, or maybe someone who felt broken in one way or another and might be ready to find some healing.


We did take one copy to give to someone in particular, but a few days later, I took one of the extras to give to one of you, my lovely readers. Catholic or not, broken or not, I think you’ll find this story accessible and easy to read.


If nothing else, you’ll learn a little bit about someone else’s story, and maybe it will help you reflect on your own. That’s what you come here for anyway, right?


And for baby pictures, I guess. Okay, here you go.




Anyway, I read Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn a few years ago, and loved it. It’s written in a totally conversational tone, and alternates between their perspectives. Scott converted before Kimberly did, and that in between time was really hard for them. But they persevered, they kept praying about what they needed both individually and as a family, and eventually they ended up “home” in the Catholic Church.


For Catholics and those of other faiths alike, I think the book also has some interesting reflections on how much of scripture is used directly in the Catholic Mass. That had a big role in Scott’s conversion (he was a Presbyterian minister), and it was fascinating for me as a Catholic who only began a proper Bible study a few months ago.


I could go on and on, but I’ll stop. If you’re interested in the book, leave a comment below. I’m keeping this simple; it’s not about increasing my visibility on social media. I just want someone who will read the book to have a chance at it. I’ll pick a winner Friday at noon EST!


Good luck and God bless!

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