Here you'll find current musings, as well as the archives from two blogs of yesteryear: YoungMarriedMom and What I Learned While Writing a Novel. Please comment and share. We love well when we are in conversation with one another.
We’re back from our trip to Boston, and it feels so good to be home–home in Brooklyn, and home in myself. Over the long weekend, we had a wonderful time catching up with friends from BC and Harvard. (A benefit of going to college in the same town as your husband-to-be is that you end […]
When John was reading through a Montreal guidebook and told me there was a biodome we could visit, my first thought went to a Pauly Shore movie, circa 1995, that I never even saw. Once he told me it was a kind of zoo situation—and there were penguins—I got much more excited. For most […]
When John and I were about to get married, his dad told us that our biological age didn’t match our internal age. We were really about forty, and he meant it in a good way. Likewise, when we quickly went from married to married with a family, our friends weren’t totally surprised. Many of them […]