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Tonight, after having been married for an official eight months, I have finally done it. I’ve chosen the photos for our wedding album.
As much as it’s been weighing down on me as something that needs to get done for, I’d say, the last seven months, I’m glad there was some distance between the event and my choosing the photos (I say “my” only because John has been super busy studying for a CFA exam on Saturday, so we agreed this sorting and choosing task would be mine).
With some time to let my memories settle in, it was nice to go back and see different angles of my favorite moments of that day. I’ve ended up making two albums—one is from the professional photographer and the other, a combination of photos from friends and family. As excited as I am for the professional album to be an important part of our family history, that collection doesn’t really capture our friends and all that they added to our wedding. We needed a lot more room for that!
By setting up a Shutterfly account and inviting (nay, insisting!) anyone with a camera to upload their photos, I have an eyes-everywhere scrapbook of the days leading up to the wedding—cooking dinner at my parents’ house Thursday night, the girls getting our nails done on Friday, the rehearsal dinner and dancing at the bar afterward—as well as the moments the professional photographer couldn’t be there for on the big day. Like when one of my bridesmaids’ shoes got too wet in the grass and started bleeding dark blue/black ink all over her foot. A couple of the girls then cleaned it off in the little sink in the bridal suite, but those shoes will never be the same. Or when one of my cousins told me she was terrified by the way one of my friends (who will remain unnamed) dances. Both her look of shock and his antics are captured in the same frame, and while it’s not the classiest photo around, it’s certainly one of my favorites.
In going through both the professional and the not-so-professional photos, I found a bunch of shots that I don’t remember noticing the first time I saw them. There’s one of my parents and brother chatting between being in the receiving line and going back into the church for pictures. And another of one of my bridesmaids and me belting “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg” at each other (a moment I’d been looking forward to for a long time!).
I am blessed to have many wonderful people in my life and to have these tangible reminders of how amazing that day was. Filled with joy, filled with love, filled with promise! And two-thirds of a year into my first year of marriage, I can feel confident saying that our relationship is still all of those things as well. In the midst of a busy couple of weeks at work, the beginnings of back discomfort due to the Peanut, and a ton of decisions left to make in the next few months, I am grateful for a happy reminder of what it’s all about.
I leave you with my favorite wedding picture, one John’s cousin took as we offered flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary as we asked her to bless our marriage and our family. (Prayer answered!) Amen!