Here you'll find current musings, as well as the archives from two blogs of yesteryear: YoungMarriedMom and What I Learned While Writing a Novel. Please comment and share. We love well when we are in conversation with one another.
This weekend, John and I attended the wedding of one of his friends from college.
Okay, that’s not entirely true: I attended the wedding; John was in the wedding. Tim is John’s friend, but I consider him mine as well. And we both count his wife (!) as a personal friend, so two friends. Anyway.
The weekend was fantastic—but not because it was in Florida and not because Jacob (who now requires a plane ticket of his own!) was with his grandparents, and we could eat all the dairy we wanted. It was fantastic because of the people we shared it with. I think you’ve met at least one of them before. We laughed, we danced, and with a rough count, I would say I witnessed about a dozen chest bumps.
I remember having a conversation with John a few months before we went off to college about the kind of people we might meet. He wasn’t sure what to expect of Harvard students. John is smart, but also well rounded. In other words, would most of the people he met be geeks?
I’m not sure why this would have been a problem, considering he was dating me, but still.
What happened was that he met some of the most hilarious, fun-loving, grounded—and yes, smartest—people I have ever met. People who can throw one heck of a dance party, and routinely did so throughout our four years of undergrad. I might have been officially enrolled at another school across the river, but hanging out with those guys felt like home pretty much from day one.
The group is scattered around the world at this point, but for important events like weddings, heaven and earth are moved to get everyone together. And once these boys get together, there’s no stopping them. Every moment is a good time. John laughed so hard at one point, he cried.
The point of all this is that I came home extra grateful that our home is launching into a 3:1 male to female ratio. John and I have already considered putting a sign that says “Man Cave” at the entrance to the boys’ room.
There is something honest and genuine about dudes, and I love that. I hope our boys find friends in each other, but also in other good, strong boys they meet as they grow up. I hope they have the kinds of relationships John and his friends have. No pretenses, just a good time with good people you can totally be yourself around. And most of all, I hope they—and their friends—dance like we did this weekend.
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