Here you'll find current musings, as well as the archives from two blogs of yesteryear: YoungMarriedMom and What I Learned While Writing a Novel. Please comment and share. We love well when we are in conversation with one another.
This morning I found myself briefly reflecting on the joy and blessing of watching our family grow. How in the world did these two kids
turn into this family?
As one (challenging) year ends and another (hopeful) one begins, these words, attributed to Pedro Arrupe, S.J. came to mind. Something to think about in the midst of the fireworks, the resolutions, and the bubbly that tonight’s celebration is likely to include (unless you’re passed out because you have a nine-day-old baby, like we do).
Nothing is more practical than finding God,
that is, than falling in a love in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination will affect everything.
It will decide what will get you out of bed in the mornings,
what you will do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read,
who you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.
Happy New Year!
May it be blessed with God’s grace and the courage to hear and follow His will.