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Young married mom

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Faith, Modern Perspectives, Young Married Mom

February 14, 2013

Happy Meat Day!


Today is a day to celebrate. For most people, the cause is Valentine’s Day. For me, it’s meat.


Every year, I find myself concerned with how I will consume meat on this Thursday, the first of Lent, which falls between two days of abstaining from meat. There are days when I accidentally don’t eat meat throughout the year, and I survive just fine. But knowing that there are two days this week when I will do my best to forego meat makes me intensely focused on including it in my Thursday diet. Does anyone else do this, I wonder?


John and I don’t have big plans for tonight, since it is the beginning of a penitential season in which we try to eat more simply. We kind of counted our giant burgers Saturday night as our celebratory Valentine’s Day meal. But fear not, readers (especially John), tonight, there will be meat!


Happy Meat Day! Hope Lent is off to a good start.

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