Here you'll find current musings, as well as the archives from two blogs of yesteryear: YoungMarriedMom and What I Learned While Writing a Novel. Please comment and share. We love well when we are in conversation with one another.
Today I’m trying something new to me, 7 Quick Takes, sponsored by Jen at Conversion Diary and inspired by the lovely Cecilia of Dance Immaculata (better known as Aunt Ceci in these parts). Let’s jump right in, shall we? — 1 — This weekend I have the distinct honor of being by the side of […]
This weekend, after months of busy schedules, I had the opportunity to hang out with my friend Mary, the mama who wrote a letter about motherhood and running I posted a while back. She’s been part of my inspiration to take up running, and it was only fitting that we met after she’d run a […]
There are a couple of things I love about blogging. One is that it gets me writing on a regular basis. Another is the positive feedback I get from readers that makes posting feel worthwhile. One of the greatest is that it gives me a chance to thoughtfully consider the direction my life is taking […]